The State of Skills 2025: Turning learning trends into business impact
Join Lepaya's upcoming webinar on January 30 at 11:00am, to discover the 'State of Skills 2025' and gain data-driven insights into the trends reshaping your talent development strategies

Here's why you should join this event

Get the latest data on global upskilling trends
Explore the data from 194 enterprises and discover the most trained skills of 2024 and their implications for your 2025 strategies.

Learn from last year’s pitfalls in talent development
Learn about common pitfalls in last year’s talent development strategies and how to avoid them to empower all levels of your workforce.

Start transforming learning into measurable impact
Discover key findings from our skills application data and strategies to turn learning into lasting workplace behaviors.
Gain insights into the trends reshaping talent development
Drawing from an analysis of 194 global enterprises, 25,975 learners, and 148,773 hours of skills practice, our annual “The State of Skills” report will reveal a significant shift in corporate learning priorities and their implications for 2025.
Which skill training experienced a dramatic increase in 2024? As organizations pushed for growth, did they create the right balance in their talent development strategies? How did enterprises ensure their learning investments translate into measurable business impact?
Join our webinar, on January 30 at 11:00am, for an exclusive deep dive into the report’s findings and discover which critical shifts in talent development could make or break your organizational success in 2025.
Gain insights into the trends reshaping talent development
Drawing from an analysis of 194 global enterprises, 25,975 learners, and 148,773 hours of skills practice, our annual “The State of Skills” report will reveal a significant shift in corporate learning priorities and their implications for 2025.
Which skill training experienced a dramatic increase in 2024? As organizations pushed for growth, did they create the right balance in their talent development strategies? How did enterprises ensure their learning investments translate into measurable business impact?
Join our webinar, on January 30 at 11:00am, for an exclusive deep dive into the report’s findings and discover which critical shifts in talent development could make or break your organizational success in 2025.
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