Impact. Transforms learning into strategy

Together, we change the way you create, measure and show the business impact of your upskilling.

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Make your training & business impact

Enterprises keep spending resources on L&D without tangible results. We work closely with you to identify your organizational goals and co-design learning programs that develop the right skills for impact. 

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Training grounded in data and science

In-person and online learning experiences allow us to maximize the impact of your people's training. We leverage the power of AI technology, continuously measure and analyze results, and support your employees to practice new behaviors.

Drive business value & tangible results

Learning is not just for L&D teams. It is the partnership between L&D and the business that creates tangible results. Together, we connect your people's development to business outcomes.

Ensure your people practice & apply new skills

We help you create an environment where learners feel safe to practice and apply their new skills, during training sessions and in their day-to-day work with their colleagues and manager.

We take community approach to solving impact challenges

Let’s transform your L&D to create high-impact learning experiences, and make talent upskilling the core of your growth strategy.

Connect with industry peers and experts at Lepaya’s Impact Lab to share research, tools, and challenges on driving business impact through learning.

The impact of our 2023 training programs


Enterprise partners

249 clients chose to prioritize talent upskilling and build an impact blueprint for their organizational growth.

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Upskilled learners

We strategically upskilled 34K people and matched their skills to desired business outcomes.

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Hours of practice

In 2023, the learners spent 193K hours practicing and proactively applying their newly gained skills.

The impact made at Picnic

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I see a real difference in how teams conduct themselves. That’s why we are looking at further programs with Lepaya to allow Captains, Supervisors and Hub Leads to dive deeper into leadership topics. Thanks to the leadership program, we have created a working environment where people are happier and work with us longer.

Willemijn Veerman

L&D Manager at Picnic

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Start a new
way of learning

We make an impact by training learners in the right skill, at the right time and in the right way.

What’s the best strategy for your organization? Let’s discover it together.

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