Stefan Lülf

Senior L&D specialist

Stefan Lülf is the Director for global Manufacturing and Pharma customers at Lepaya, where he helps industry-leading companies develop talent to solve business challenges and remain competitive. Before Lepaya, Stefan was the Managing Director of Sales & Customer Success at everskill GmbH and spent over seven years at McKinsey & Company. His expertise lies in leadership, strategy, and customer success, particularly in the manufacturing and pharma sectors.


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Weiterbildung mit echtem Mehrwert: Eine Methode für Upskilling, die zählbare Ergebnisse liefert
Lepaya event

Nehmen Sie am Webinar teil und erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Lernstrategie entwickeln, die sich dynamisch an Ihr Unternehmen, Ihre Belegschaft und die Marktanforderungen anpasst.

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Unlock the value of Industry 4.0 with people development
Lepaya event

Join Lepaya's workshop at the Industry of Things World Europe unlock the value of Industry 4.0 and drive digital transformation in your business.

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