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Corporate learning: The need for real innovation

Corporate learning: The need for real innovation

Written by:
Thomas Schipperen
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Date created
Last updated:
June 20, 2024
5 min read
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Key takeaways

Recent HR reports predict a shift from instructor-led trainings to alternative methods, a massive growth of both content marketplaces as well as learning technology providers, and an integration of learning solutions into daily business, both practical as well as from a technology stack perspective.

Whereas we do not disagree with any of these trends, we are mindful of the fact that they do not necessarily lead to learning solutions that better address the real underlying learning needs. From both an employee as well as an employer perspective, we see three challenges in today’s world of corporate learning: Impact, Engagement and Analytics.

challenges in corporate learning

We believe that any fundamentally new or better solution should address all three challenges to be successful. It should not just redefine the medium, e.g. continue the move from offline to online and from desktop to app. Real innovation is required. If we circle back to the main trends predicted, we want to stress the need for innovation as follows:

1. Keep offline training, yet complement instructor-led training methods with alternative learning methods — e.g. e-learning, exams/tests, games, etc. Coherently develop learning journeys, in which you supplement longer plenary in-person learning sessions with bite-sized, online and easily available training content. All content should be linked to daily work and needs, while continuously testing for understanding and impact.

2. Do not just create marketplaces with large amounts of content on it, but help learners create and navigate an integrated curriculum aimed at their personal development needs and current skill level. Curated content, personalized where possible, will be increasingly sought after.

3. Take a user view when offering learning tools. Take an integrated view at offline, online, gamified and quantified platform to make learning as easy as possible for the user, and to a lesser extend for HR. Use as much as possible one integrated platform, ideally linked to existing business-related (communication or collaboration) platforms.

These three are underpinned by knowledge that learning is never urgent. As such, we believe that by making learning easy and fun, engagement will rise. Additionally, learning should be integrated in daily business to analyze its real impact, and not only training hours or satisfaction score (which are important as well, but don’t paint the full picture).

What are your learning predictions and needs? Will new or better solutions fundamentally address the L&D challenges, and help 2B+ working adults become even better at their job?

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Lepaya is a provider of Power Skills training that combines online and offline learning. Founded by René Janssen and Peter Kuperus in 2018 with the perspective that the right training, at the right time, focused on the right skill, makes organizations more productive. Lepaya has trained thousands of employees.

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