Skills Gap Analysis Tool

A fast, simple and actionable way to start identifying your people’s skill gaps.

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Lepaya’s Skills Gap Analysis Tool gives learning, HR, C-level and team managers key insights into:

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The top skills essential for your team’s development

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Why these skills are crucial within your industry context

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Practical steps to start closing your skill gaps

Start solving
your business challenges

Use the tool to spot skill gaps and connect your people’s development to business outcomes.

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Skills gap analysis: FAQ

How did we create this tool?

By identifying businesses’ most important teams and the skills they need to succeed, our experts designed a technical framework to test enterprises’ skill gaps and recommend optimal solutions.

What is a skills gap analysis?

A skills gap analysis is a method people leaders can leverage to spot teams’ skill gaps and connect their development to business outcomes.

These insights help you understand what skills are missing in your current talent pool and how you can bridge skill gaps. 

How do skill gaps occur and what are the consequences?

Skills are changing faster than we can anticipate. McKinsey reports that 87% of businesses feel that they are currently facing a skills gap, or will develop one within the next five years.

A lack of skills can result in:

  1. An inability for teams to effectively innovate
  2. A loss of market opportunities
  3. Missed growth targets
  4. Delayed initiatives. 

There are three reasons why skills gaps can occur in teams:

  1. Emergence of new skills as a result of the implementation of new technologies
  2. Evolution of existing skills as businesses embrace new ways of working
  3. Expiration of outdated skills that are not in demand in modern organizations

How do you take action from your skills gap analysis data?

The tool serves as the first inspiration and conversation starter around skills gaps in your organization. Contact our learning experts to continue the conversation based on your results.

By reviewing your people’s skill gaps, you can adjust your training strategies and target the skills that are missing in your team.

With the results you have uncovered, you can:

  1. Learn which existing skills you have in the team.
  2. Consider repositioning team members with the necessary skills to ensure that you are deriving the most value from your people.
  3. Launch new upskilling and reskilling programs to address the skill gaps. 

How can reskilling benefit your teams?

For the majority of business leaders, the solution to bridging the skills gap is to rehire. However, relying solely on recruitment to address skills shortages is not only expensive and disruptive to teams but also offers no guarantee that skilled talent will be available in the job market.

Reskilling is financially more efficient and it also reasserts trust in the teams, while ensuring you can keep an employee for much longer.

Reskilling can be more beneficial than rehiring because it: 

  1. Boosts employee satisfaction
  2. Elevates the end-customer’s experience 
  3. Makes internal promotions more likely 
  4. Boosts internal and external brand perception
  5. Optimizes employee retention
  6. Overall contributes to your organization’s bottom-line growth