L'état des compétences dans l'industrie

Les leaders du secteur alignent les technologies de pointe et les ressources internes en talents pour transformer leur stratégie organisationnelle à grande échelle.

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Comprendre l' évolution de votre secteur. Élaborer votre stratégie de transformation

Des changements se produisent dans votre secteur d'activité. Et il se produit dans trois domaines différents :

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Demande des consommateurs

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Renforcement des compétences des talents

Dans ce rapport, nous analysons ces trois tendances dans six secteurs d'activité afin de vous permettre de tirer parti du changement et de transformer votre stratégie de croissance :

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Vente au détail



Téléchargez le rapport pour transformer votre entreprise.


Meet HR and L&D leaders driving a skills-based transformation

The traditional mindset around career growth tends to be hierarchical, where individuals wait for a promotion or focus solely on climbing the corporate ladder, often overlooking the importance of skills in their growth trajectory. Implementing a skill-based approach could address these challenges and potentially improve retention rates.

Marta Dimova
Global L&D Specialist at Electrolux Group

Because of labor shortages, there is a necessity to move beyond degrees. It’s crucial to ask, ‘In which parts of my organization do degrees actually matter and in which can we focus more on skills and widen our group of talent that we want to attract?

Marlene de Koning
Director of HR Tech & Data at PwC

When firms invest in skill-based competency development, their workforce may not see immediate benefits and may prioritize their job over building their skills for the future. Managing this fixed mindset and moving towards a growth mindset is crucial for a successful transition to a skills-based organization.

Sharan Shankar
Gobal Learning Experience Design Director at a leading consultancy firm

I constantly monitor the top 150 managers in Vopak and reach out very frequently to talk about the strategic critical roles. Are our people still in a good position? What about their potential to grow? If yes, what could be a logical next step and is there any pressure on that?

Maarten Vaags
Global Talent Director at Vopak

You need to look around your organization and identify untapped skills or potential in people that you're not fully utilizing. One of the biggest red flags for an organization is when you are recruiting for new roles despite having capacity within the organization.

Alex Rylance
Head of Human Resources UK, Netcompany

The first step is starting with the company culture which is the baseline of what kind of skills you want to identify in your employees. From there, you can tailor skill sets based on specific roles, although simplicity is key.

Elise Baeriswyl
Learning and Development Lead at Picnic Technologies

It's essential to start from the top. To successfully integrate this strategy, we needed buy-in from every executive member. We then communicated the benefits of the competency-based strategy to the entire organization, tailoring our message to resonate with different groups, such as first-time managers or in specific departments.

Melissa Strong
People Learning & Programs Manager at Pigment

Les principaux enseignements à tirer pour votre stratégie de croissance

Dans chaque secteur, le rapport analyse les tendances en matière de consommation, de technologie et de talents qui sont essentielles à la croissance de votre entreprise. En voici les principaux enseignements :

Benefits of skills-based organizations

Investissements technologiques

Gestion des talents et développement des compétences

Téléchargez le rapport pour une analyse complète des tendances de votre secteur.
