Wie messen Sie den Fortschritt Ihrer L&D-Programme? Wie steigern Sie das Engagement für Schulungen? Was braucht es, um eine gesunde Kultur in Ihrer Organisation zu schaffen? Wie schlägt sich Lepaya?
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The rise of empowering leadership training: What it means for 2025 talent strategies
What's driving this focus on leadership training, and what are key trends in leadership development for today's complex business environment?
What makes a learning program impactful? 3 leaders share their views
To discover what really makes learning impactful, we asked 3 L&D leaders to share the most impactful learning journey they’ve worked on.
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How to build a cost-effective people strategy that influences your 2025 business objectives
As L&D teams face further cost cutting, delivering upskilling programs that positively impact business objectives becomes more challenging. Here are the ways to provide quality training programs without breaking the bank.
Building a high-performing multigenerational workforce with emotional intelligence
HR leaders must equip age-diverse teams with the right skills to foster collaboration, boost productivity, and drive high performance in the rapidly evolving global workforce.
Building a skills-based organization: Shift your people strategy to prepare for future workforce challenges
what is a skills based organization? Looking past the hype, it's about making skills the cornerstone of your talent management strategy and approach to organizational agility.

Lepaya Talent Talks: How Backbase is shaping talent development for the future of Fintech
We sat down with Esther to explore the company’s people development strategy and the skills they prioritize for success.
Auf dem Weg zu einer strategischen Rolle in der Wirtschaft: 3 L&D-Führungskräfte teilen ihre Ansichten
Who wägen die Prioritäten der L&D-Führungskräfte ab, um ihre Organisationen zu unterstützen? Wir haben mit den Bildungsleitern von Freudenberg, Vontobel und gesprochen, um das zu erreichen.
Von der Rekrutierung bis zur Bindung: Strategien zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Pipeline von Tech-Talenten
Angesichts des Mangels an technischen Talenten und der hohen Nachfrage nach digitalen Fähigkeiten benötigen Personalleiter neue Strategien, um die richtigen Mitarbeiter für die Zukunft zu binden.
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