Wie messen Sie den Fortschritt Ihrer L&D-Programme? Wie steigern Sie das Engagement für Schulungen? Was braucht es, um eine gesunde Kultur in Ihrer Organisation zu schaffen? Wie schlägt sich Lepaya?
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The rise of empowering leadership training: What it means for 2025 talent strategies
What's driving this focus on leadership training, and what are key trends in leadership development for today's complex business environment?
What makes a learning program impactful? 3 leaders share their views
To discover what really makes learning impactful, we asked 3 L&D leaders to share the most impactful learning journey they’ve worked on.
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Entwicklung von Führungskräften, die ihre Organisationen transformieren: The new Experienced Leaders Academy of Lepaya
For leaders with more as 5 years experience in an leadership position provides the Experienced Leaders Academy the right denkweise and the correct skills, to motivation, to inspire and motivation their employees to a art, the significantly veränderungen are.

Der einwöchige Shutdown von Slack enthüllt die Unsicherheiten bei der Weiterqualifizierung von Technologieunternehmen
Boutique-Lernen: Wie L&D in einer Welt von KI-generierten Inhalten Mehrwert schaffen kann
A important chance for L&D is in boutique learning — the vermittlung of the correct ability on the correct level. Aber wie wird das in der Praxis aussehen? We have spoken with the L&D Strategy Consultant Peter Meerman.
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